Cian Jinks

Creating a CMake Project for cross platform graphics programming with OpenGL

A while back I found myself switching to Linux as my main development environment for college work. Up until that point I had been spending sporadic free time learning graphics programming on Windo...

OpenGL Tutorial - Batch Rendering and Dynamic VBOs

Hello and welcome to my second ever tutorial on computer graphics programming using OpenGL. My previous tutorials covered many of the basics of OpenGL such as VBOs, IBOs, Shaders and MVP Matrices b...

OpenGL Tutorial - Visualizing the Mandelbrot Set Fractal - Part 2 of 2

This is part 2 of my tutorial series on Visualizing the Mandelbrot Set Fractal using OpenGL. This part will cover the creation of a camera for zooming in and out and moving around as well as the fr...

Tutorial - Using Maven and IntelliJ for OpenGL Projects

This tutorial will quickly cover how one can use Maven along with IntelliJ to get started with graphics programming using OpenGL. I originally wrote this so people could use it to directly follow a...

OpenGL Tutorial - Visualizing the Mandelbrot Set Fractal - Part 1 of 2

Welcome to my first blog post/tutorial of many I hope to create on the topic of computer graphics programming using OpenGL. Over the past half a year or so I have been spending a large portion of m...

HackTrinity CTF Write Up

This last week I took part in my first ever CTF and therefore felt it appropriate to follow that with a write up of my own. The CTF was a collaboration between various societies at my university an...